
Student Reception

Student Reception

In September 2019, we expanded our Student Services team to accommodate a separate Reception area for the students.  It is open between the hours of 8am and 4pm and is used for the following:

Signing in/out

It is a safeguarding procedure that If a student is late for any reason they MUST sign in at Student Reception so that we can log them as being on site.  Similarly, they must sign out if they are leaving early.


Students may visit the Student Reception before/after school and during break/lunch time with any queries. Student Reception is not open during lesson time unless the situation is urgent.  If a student misplaces their timetable they should note down their lessons from Go4Schools, they can then print a copy during lunch time in room C16.


We sell a range of stationery and uniform items at competitive prices for convenience.  We also hold in stock; tights and sanitary products (FOC) should a student need them during the school day.

Uniform and standards

It is school policy that Students MUST be in full school uniform every day, this means no jewellery, make up, nail varnish or false nails. If uniform procedures are not followed, students will be issued with a uniform and standards slip.  They should visit Student Reception during form time, morning break or lunch time.  The issue will be logged which may result in a same day detention, and/or a call home.  Students must report back to Student Reception by the date shown on their slip.

Mobile phone use/confiscation

It is school policy that students must not use their mobile phone in school.  Should they need to bring them, it is at their own risk and school will not take responsibility.  They should be turned off as soon as they enter the premises and not turned back on until they leave.  If they need to make an urgent call home, they should visit Student Reception during morning break or lunch time where they will be allowed to make the call.

It is not school policy to allow a student to call home if they have forgotten equipment or kit.

If parents need to get a message to their child, they should contact the school main reception and they will pass on the message as students are not allowed to use their phone during the school day.

If they are found using their phone during the school day, it will be confiscated and taken to Student Reception where it will be logged and may result in a same day detention.  Students can collect their phone at the end of the school day/after their detention.