


The Government allocates schools a Bursary Fund to provide financial support for eligible Sixth Form students to fund essential costs of participating in their study programme. 

Eligible students can access the bursary to help fund the essential costs of participating in their programme of study.  This can include; books, equipment, specialist clothing and trips necessary for their study.  It can also help fund transport to and from Onslow St Audrey’s and other schools in the consortium as well as industry placements, university open days and interviews.  As we expect a smart/casual dress code, we may also use funds to support a student’s exceptional need for purchasing such clothes.

The bursary cannot be used to support costs unrelated to education (living costs), extra-curricular, non-compulsory activities or to provide learning support such as counselling, mentoring or extra tutoring.

There are two types of 16 – 19 bursaries; 

  • a bursary for a defined vulnerable group  

  • a discretionary bursary

Bursary for a Defined Vulnerable Group

This bursary has to be drawn down (by the school) from the ESFA who can award up to £1200 per year to a student if that level of support is found to be required.  Students should only receive the amount that they need to participate and this must be evidenced.


The defined vulnerable groups are students who:

  • are in or recently left local authority care

  • receiving Income Support or Universal Credit because they are financially supporting themselves or financially supporting themselves and someone who is dependent on them and living with them, such as a child or partner.

  • receiving Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Personal Independence Payments (PIP) in their own right as well as Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) or Universal Credit (UC) in their own right.


(UC has now fully rolled out so young people aged 16 to 18 will no longer receive the other benefits listed above. However, students aged 19 to 25 and funded from the 16 to 19 budget (19+ continuers and those with an EHC plan) may still receive those other legacy benefits.)

We are required by the ESFA to obtain and keep evidence of eligibility for auditing purposes.  


Evidence may include:

  • For students who are in care or a care leaver - we should have evidence through our partnership with the Local Authority.  If this is not the case, we will need written confirmation of their current or previous looked-after status from the relevant local authority - this is the local authority that looks after them or provides their leaving care services. The evidence could be a letter or an email but must be clearly from the local authority.

  • For students in receipt of Income Support or Universal Credit, a copy of their Income Support or Universal Credit award notice. This must clearly state that the claim is in the student’s name/confirm they are entitled to the benefits in their own right. The evidence must not state any conditions that prevent them from participating in further education or training. For students in receipt of Universal Credit, institutions must also see a tenancy agreement in the student’s name, a child benefit receipt, children’s birth certificates, utility bills etc.

  • For students receiving UC/ESA and Disability Living Allowance and Personal Independence Payments, a copy of their UC claim from DWP (UC claimants should be able to print off details of their award from their online account). Evidence of receipt of Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payment must also be provided.


Discretionary Bursary

The Discretionary Bursary is a limited fund that the school receives to award to students at our discretion.  Onslow St Audrey’s School has 3 eligibility categories:


  1. Students in receipt of free school meals/eligible for pupil premium in Year 11

  2. Students whose gross annual household income is below £30,000 and/or in receipt of Universal Credit

  3. Exceptional circumstances 


We are required by the ESFA to obtain and keep evidence of eligibility for auditing purposes. 

Evidence may include:

  • 3 months’ worth of bank account statements

  • Universal Credit monthly award notices x 3

  • Pupil Premium/Free School Meals (FSM) entitlement – Once awarded, students remain eligible for Free School Meals at each phase of education, and we will automatically be informed of this and no further evidence will be required.  However, should your circumstances have changed since applying and you no longer fall into the FSM eligibility requirements you must inform us and show proof of current household income

  • A letter regarding exceptional circumstances – we may ask for further evidence regarding these circumstances and will contact you should this be necessary.

It is the responsibility of the parent/student to ensure that all information completed on the application is true and accurate; they should inform us should their circumstances change which may lead them to be no longer eligible. 


Process for Applying


Any student who wishes to apply for either bursary must complete an application form which will be handed out at induction, and/or can be collected from the Sixth Form Office.   Both parents and students must read and understand this information sheet before signing.  

The application form must be returned with any evidence to the Sixth Form Office by 27th September 2024.  Whilst there is a deadline for immediate applications, students may apply at any time throughout the year should their circumstances change. 

Every application will be assessed to ensure eligibility.  Then as funds are limited, each application will be prioritised by actual participation needs, ensuring that the funds go to those students who genuinely need them. Students and parents will be informed of the outcome of their application by way of an award notice which will detail whether their application has been approved; and if so, for how much and what this money should be used. There may also be terms attached to the funding, for example; a student may be awarded a Chrome book which they must return at the end of year 13. 

Students who are not approved will also receive notice of this with reasons why.  Any appeals against decisions can be made to the Headteacher.

Block, blanket or flat rate payments are not permitted, as the Education and Standards Funding Agency demands that the bursary award should reflect the actual costs the student has, using a clear evidence-based system.  Where possible schools will purchase identified items for students, where this is not possible, students will be required to provide receipts as evidence for the funds.  We are only permitted to release funds to the student’s bank account.

For further information please see the Government Website for  16 - 19 Bursary Information and/or our 16 - 19 Bursary Policy.