
Vision, Intent & Implementation

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Teaching and learning is at the core of everything we do at OSA. Our staff share a moral commitment to improving the life chances of our students, through the delivery of high quality lessons that will prepare them for their role in modern society. A consistent focus on teaching and learning ensures that lessons and programmes of study are challenging for all students.


Our curriculum encourages students to set ambitious goals and work towards these with self-belief, self-discipline, application and enjoyment. We ensure our offer is broad, balanced and interconnected, and offers opportunities and experiences that help to support, develop and challenge every student. We prepare young people to be successful and to make a positive difference in their community and the wider world.


Within Key Stage 3 lessons, students build knowledge and skills to prepare them for GCSEs, A Levels and BTECs. The transition programmes that run within the school ensure that all students are well supported for the next stage of their educational journey. 

We have developed an extensive professional development culture and we work with a range of highly successful schools and institutions to provide the best training and support for our teachers. This enables us to create an inspiring and engaging learning environment. Our students develop the right attitude to learning, become highly ambitious and acknowledge that only through applying themselves in every lesson will they achieve their potential.

To find out more about our curriculum - explore our Curriculum by Subject pages.


Key Stage 3

In Year 7, students experience a broad and balanced range of subjects that help build a strong learning foundation. All subjects are taught in mixed-ability groups, and students follow a curriculum designed to help them take their first steps towards the skills needed for future academic success.

Students will study the following subjects: English, Maths, Science, Geography, History, Computer Science, Sport, either Spanish or French, Art & Design, Product Design, Food Technology, Drama and Music.

Our carefully planned Personal Development programme helps students to make sense of the world around them, exploring topics such as identity, ethics and social awareness alongside key ‘learning-to-learn’ concepts that help students to make a successful transition to secondary school life.

Key Stage 4

In Year 9 students begin their journey towards GCSE success. They will be offered GCSE options for Year 10, choosing from a range of subjects that match their aptitudes and ambitions. Their choices will be supported by our bespoke ‘pathways’ which guide students towards the subjects that best meet their educational needs. Choices include traditional academic GCSEs such as languages, History, Geography, as well as modern subjects like Computer Science and vocational choices such as Sports Studies and Business Studies.