
Year 6 Transition

click here for year 6 transition website

At Onslow St Audrey's school we understand the transition from Primary to Secondary school is a huge event for both the student and their parents/carers. We are committed to making this process as smooth as possible and make great efforts to allow students to become familiar with the school ahead of their start date in September.

From Year 5, primary school students are invited to attend various workshops at the school, in subjects such as Computer Science, Sport, English and Humanities. Our student Sports Leaders also visit primary schools and sporting venues to work with primary students.

Please find below an example timeline of action in the months leading up to our new Year 7 students joining us.


Students are invited to attend a Friendship Afternoon, where they will have the opportunity to meet some of their teachers and other students who will be joining them from different primary schools. They will attend taster lessons around the school, whilst parents receive additional information from key members of staff.


Members of our transition team will meet students and their primary school teachers during the summer term to help prepare them for their move to Onslow St Audrey’s School. They will explain what it is like to be an OSA student, the expectations and requirements. They will also collect information from your child’s primary school about your child’s progress and attainment.


Students that may require additional support whilst attending Onslow St Audrey’s School, will be invited to spend the day with the SENCo and Pastoral Team in order to build their confidence and aid their transition.


Onslow St Audrey’s School invites primary school students in for two transition days in July. This gives them extra time to make new friendships and build relationships with staff before they start in September.

Final Transition Parent Information Evening – Final information will be given ready for the start of term.


During the summer holidays, students are invited to attend Summer School.  During this time, they can build further relationships with staff and students, whilst enjoying many different activities such as a day out at the zoo, a BBQ lunch, escape rooms, making t-shirts, plus a range of sports and computer-based activities.


We start the academic year with one day solely for Year 7 and Sixth Form students so that their first day is not too overwhelming. They also have a separate lunchtime to the rest of the school to help ensure their first few days are as successful as possible.

We look forward to welcoming our new Year 7 students this September and sharing their Secondary School adventure with them.