One of our strengths is that we know each and every student inside out.
This means that we can personalise our support and advice about post 18 pathways.
Further Education & Careers
This information is designed for students, teachers, parents and employers.
There has never been a time when careers education has been as important for our students as it is today. The world of work is changing fast and many of the jobs we are preparing our young people for, do not currently exist. The landscape of education, training and employment opportunities that students need to navigate is more complex and more challenging than that faced by previous generations.
Our role at Onslow St Audrey’s School is to ensure the future generations of young people are prepared and inspired to make a meaningful contribution to the world beyond school. Our careers programme, is a vital component in helping our students achieve their aims and aspirations, so they can move with confidence onto the next stage of their education and into working life. This means that all students and their parents/carers should be made aware of all their options as they progress through school and into their future life.
All areas of the curriculum support the Careers programme and all subjects have identified where they can support this. It is outlined in the document below as well as being mapped to the CDI framework.
We are signed up to The Careers and Enterprise Company – The Enterprise Adviser Network – programme. This is a free provision managed locally by Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership to support us to achieve all eight Gatsby Benchmarks.
OSA Partnerships
Apprenticeships Parent Resources
Hertfordshire Skills Frameworks
Careerometer 2 enables our students to review and compare different occupations, what they involve and what the potential earnings can be.