


This course is suitable for anyone wanting a career in early years education, childcare or assisting teaching. Students can progress into roles such as:

  • Nursery Worker
  • Teaching Assistant
  • Learning Mentor
  • Special Educational Needs Teaching Assistant
  • Playworker
  • Portage Home Visitor

Students can also use this T Level to do a related higher-level apprenticeship or degree course.

This is a 2 year course equivalent to 3 A-Levels. Learners will spend 80% of their time in the classroom and 20% in industry placements (9 weeks minimum, which is equivalent to approximately 750 industry placement hours).

This course prepares learners to work with children between birth and five years, with knowledge of children up to seven years. The course is suitable for anyone wanting a career in early years education. Successful completion of this course will give you a licence to practice, enabling you to enter the workplace as a qualified Early Years Educator and offers progression opportunities into Higher Education (HE).

UCAS points will only be allocated to the overall T Level Grade. Students must achieve at least an overall Pass Grade to receive UCAS points. A T Level Distinction* is worth the same as 3 A Levels at A*.

Course Structure

Year 1 is made up of three key parts: 

1. Core: Knowledge and understanding of contexts, concepts and theories of the education and childcare sector:

  • Child Development
  • Supporting Education
  • Safeguarding, Health & Safety and Wellbeing
  • Behaviour
  • Observation and Assessment
  • Equality and Diversity
  • Special Educational Needs and Disability
  • English as an Additional Language
  • Wider Context
  • Parents, Families and Carers
  • Working with others
  • Reflective Practice
  • English, Maths and Digital skills needed in the Education and Childcare sector

2. Employer Set Project

  • A project set by education and childcare specialists that requires you to apply your knowledge to a real-life problem in the industry. 

3. Industry Placement

  • You will get the opportunity to put the knowledge and skills you have learned in to action as you start your industry placement. You will work with an external education or childcare employer provider to apply your knowledge and develop your technical skills in a real life education or childcare workplace. 

Year 2 is made up of two key parts:

  • You will complete the Occupational Specialism Early Years Education and Childcare; this specialism will enable you to explore and develop the skills, knowledge, understanding and behaviours needed to  
  • Support and promote children’s play, development and early education
  • Develop relationships with children to facilitate their development
  • Plan, provide and review care, play and educational opportunities to enable children to progress
  • Safeguard and promote the health, safety and wellbeing of children
  • Work in partnership with colleagues, parents, carers and other professionals
  • Plan, Provide and review care, play and educational opportunities to professionals to support children’s development
  • Continuation of your Industry Placement; with an external education or childcare employer which will develop your technical skills and apply your knowledge in a workplace environment.

Across Year One and Two, you will complete at least 750 hours (approx. 150 days) in total working in the Education and Childcare sector, giving you valuable experience in the workplace and employers the chance to see the new talent in this sector.

How Will I Be Assessed?

Year 1

  • Core Assessment: Externally Set Test – Paper 1 and Paper 2 are both graded A*- E
  • Employer Set Project: Externally assessed project work is graded A*- E
  • Industry Placement: Evidence log to show completion of hours required and evidence of development of technical skills and application of knowledge in a workplace environment.

Year 2

  • Synoptic Assessments: to judge how well the competence requirements have been met. Graded: Distinction, Merit or Pass.
  • Industry Placement: Evidence log to show completion of hours required and evidence of development of technical skills and application of knowledge in a workplace environment.

Entry Requirements

A minimum of 5 GCSEs (Grades 9 – 4)

These must include:

  • English Language at Grade 4 or above
  • Maths at Grade 4 or above

You will also be required to complete a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Services) before commencing placement, Onslow St Audrey's will provide you with the necessary information to complete this process. You will need 3 pieces of original documentation such as a current passport, a provisional drivers licence, a birth certificate, a bank statement  and/or a child benefit letter; therefore it is highly recommended that you ensure you have access to these documents prior to enrolment.

Awarding Body

This qualification is awarded by NCFE CACHE.

How do T Levels Compare to Other Options? 

A Levels 

T Levels have the same entry requirements as A Levels and both routes can lead to higher-level study at University. The difference with T Levels is that you can gain valuable knowledge and work experience in Early Years settings which will support your progression into employment in the sector. 

Experienced Teachers and Industry Trained Experts

The Early Years Childcare and Education team have professional experience in a range of industries including lecturing in FE, nursery management, nursing, the management of wrap-around care for schools, primary schools, recruitment, wellbeing and roles within the NHS.

How do we support you?

We are dedicated to ensuring your success and collaborating with you at Onslow St Audrey.

At OSA, we have a dedicated skilled learning support team and a careers team to help with:

  • Learning difficulties
  • Physical and sensory disabilities
  • Mental health, counselling and wellbeing
  • Exam access arrangements
  • Money, finance and bursary advice
  • Careers advice, job and university applications


This course is suitable for anyone wanting a career in Early Years education.

Successful completion of the course will give you a licence to practice, enabling you to enter the workforce as a qualified Early Years Educator. Alternatively, you can undertake further study as an Early Years Foundation Stage Teacher, where you can specialise in delivering the Early Years or Special Needs curriculum. Other progression options include progression to university to study Early Childhood Studies, Education Studies, or other related degrees such as Primary and Secondary Teaching, Social Work and Nursing.