
Economics A Level

2023/2024 & 2024/2025


Economics is an exciting course that delves into the reasons why everyone cannot just have everything. We call this scarcity and it means that individuals, firms, councils and governments have to make tough choices about how best we can use these scarce resources to meet our ever-expanding needs.  It is the task of the economist to explain and analyse these choices facing economic agents such as consumers, firms or the government. We will look at how prices are determined and why inflation, GDP, unemployment and oil prices are often in the news due to the impact they can have.  


Requirements for Study

You do not need to have previously studied Business at GCSE level.

  • You will need a grade 5 in GCSE Maths.
  • You will need a grade 4 in English Literature or Language.

This can be studied alongside Business Studies A Level, although there will be some overlap.



At the end of 2 years there are 3 examinations (no coursework). Each is 2 hours long. Question types include multiple choice questions, short answer questions to longer data response and essay questions.

  • Paper 1: Markets and Market Failure 35%
  • Paper 2: National and Global economy 35%
  • Paper 3: Micro and Macro Economics 30%


Careers in the City, Business, Civil Service, Banking or Financial Sector are all enhanced by Economics. Also, careers in journalism, education and the charity sector will all be helped by a study of economics.

Economics is relevant to most everyday issues. Not only will it make students understand economic events, but it will also give them a new and interesting perspective on social, environmental and political issues. Many UK Prime Ministers have studied Economics at University, including Rishi Sunak.